Guidance For Modifications And Enforcement Requests
Wondering if you can modify custody or child support? Contact us to discuss your options.
When Can You Modify Custody Or Support Orders?
A modification of child support, spousal support or child custody may be necessary after divorce. We can help if your circumstances have changed and you need to explore your options. Our firm represents clients throughout San Diego County in all types of modification or enforcement cases.
We will review your current order and learn about your new circumstances to determine what action we can take. Several factors are considered during a modification request. If children are involved, the court always puts the child’s best interests first, so it is important to evaluate how your current order may no longer be in the best interests of your child. A change could be made if a child’s needs have changed or a parent’s ability to provide adequate care or support for their child has reduced or improved.
What To Do If You Or The Other Parent Is Moving Out Of State
Custody issues need to be dealt right away, especially if one parent is trying to move away. We will help you evaluate your options in your move away case. We have represented both sides of these cases and have helped parents understand their options under current guidelines. The court considers several factors in these cases, including the reason for the move and how the child will be impacted.
Move-aways are complex modification issues that need to be handled by an experienced family law attorney. Mr. Tannenberg knows how to evaluate your situation and will provide reliable advice about your options.
Contact Our Firm To Explore Your Options
Our firm also helps clients with enforcement issues ranging from child support enforcement to enforcing stipulations listed in your divorce settlement. We can help you understand your options and protect your rights. Fill out our online form or call us at 619-235-6169 or 858-755-3300 to schedule a consultation.